OpenOffice.Org Writer 2 Wish List

Below is the list of items that I would like to see updated or fixed in the next release of OpenOffice.Org for Writer. They are in no particular order.
The Undo list should show the specific task, like Bold or Font for example, instead of "Change page style" or "Apply Attributes". As it is, the Actions to undo list is not very helpful.
Add the transparency option to the Background tab of the Page Style dialog box, like it is on the Background tab of the Frame dialog box.
To be able to type text and then apply Fontwork Effects to it. There does not seem to be a "graceful" way to start using this utility.
Add options like "Less than" and "Is greater than" to the Condition drop down list on the Standard Filter dialog box so that numeric filters can be created.
Provide the ability to select the order during the mail merge process using Tools - - > Mail Merge.
The ability to cross off sections of a sheet of labels that have already been used. This would make it easier to finish using a sheet of labels that have already been partially used.
To have the ability to set a custom default Zoom Percent.

OpenOffice.Org Writer 2 Home Page | My OpenOffice.Org Wish List | Errata

Last Update: March 21, 2007

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